Mrs. Vivian Ayafor- Atanga is a resident of Snellville GA USA. Studied law and political Science at the University of Yaoundé ll in SOA. A devoted wife and mother to two beautiful kids Nathan & Eden.
Viviane is also a very fierce political & human rights activist, a grassroot and community mobilizer and a voice for the voiceless. She’s Worked with voting, civil & human rights activists in Georgia, including Ms. Stacy Abrams & Dr Joseph Beasley. She’s currently carrying on humanitarian and philanthropic work for those affected by the ongoing crisis in the Cameroons. She’s an entrepreneur and the Vice President of Ndong Awing Cultural Association, Vice President of Ngemba Cultural Association of Georgia, and the Vice President of Victoria Association of Ga.
Funwi Ayuninjam is the director of international programs and professor of linguistics at Georgia Gwinnett College. In this role, he oversees the co-curricular component of campus internationalization, which includes study abroad, an English Language Institute, international partnerships, a Peace Corps Prep Program, and campus international/intercultural academic programs. Funwi has served as the senior international officer at four other U.S. institutions dating back to 2001. He co-founded the Southern Interdisciplinary Roundtable on African Studies and serves on various editorial boards, including that of the Association of International Education Administrators, which he chairs (2022-2025). He is the author of A Reference Grammar of Mbili, The Egg Polisher and Other Tales, and Voices from Africa and Beyond: A Collection of Poems. Funwi holds a BA in English and French from the University of Yaoundé, Cameroon and an MS and a PhD in theoretical linguistics from Georgetown University. He hails from Bambili and is married with two children and a grandson.
Dr. Chebe, Emmanuel N hails from Mankwi – Bafut, Southern Cameroons. He is an Assistant Professor of Economics & Business. He is also the President and Chair of Hopeland Group, LLC ( He was the third president of our great association (Ngemba Cultural Association) Atlanta, GA, USA